Lots of fun weddings and photo sessions have been happening! Oh yeah, I’ll share some of my traveling adventures!

Hey! Want to see what I have been working on?


Choosing the right venue for your wedding is a big decision- start this process early to insure success and a stress-free planning experience. Here are some of our tips that we’ve learned as your go-to Spokane Wedding Photographer to help you find the perfect spot for your dream day. What’s Your Theme?First things first, think […]

Elopement, Tips & Tricks, Weddings

August 27, 2024

How to Choose the Perfect Wedding Venue: Tips and Tricks!


Julia and Ryan’s wedding day was the perfect example of how unexpected curveballs can sometimes provide stunning, unexpected results. The weather forecast initially predicted a storm, but magically, the sun made its appearance just in time for the ceremony. This turn of events not only gave a buzz of excitement to the day, but also […]


July 26, 2024

Julia & Ryan: A picture-perfect recap

Spokane Wedding Photographer

Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the choices in vendor options? We totally get it! With seemingly endless resources to go through, it can be hard to even know where to start. The answer may surprise you: your Photographer. At Kayla Marie Photography, we do more than just capture the memories of your […]

Couples, Elopement, Engagements, Weddings

June 27, 2024

A hidden resource: Your photographer’s vendor network!


Exciting news! You’ve just received your photo gallery, and now it’s time to make the most of these memories. Whether it’s your wedding, a portrait session, or a special event, these photos are more than just pictures. They’re precious memories captured forever. Let’s make sure you get the most out of them with some essential […]

Couples, Elopement, Engagements, Weddings

June 18, 2024

What to do with your photos? A post-shoot guide

Idaho Wedding Photographer

One of the best decisions you can make for your wedding day is planning a first look. Why? It helps makes your wedding day run smoothly. You no longer have to pack all your bridal party, family, and couple photos right after the ceremony. Depending on how you want to plan out your day, you […]

Couples, Elopement, Engagements, Uncategorized, Weddings

March 20, 2024

Why You Should Have a Wedding Day First Look

Spokane Wedding Photographer
contact Kayla + Carson

Lets Go!

Ready to start your photo adventure?